Blog Posts

Meet the Expedition Team: Felix

Get to know our Music & Sound lead Felix – his background and inspirations, what he does at Off The Beaten Track and most importantly, his favorite kind of tea.

Meet the Expedition Team: Patrick

Our 3D artist Patrick created the art style of our game, the characters, assets and various 2D work. Get to know more about him, his background, his work and his favorite video game!

Meet the Expedition Team: Alex

Alex joined our company as a programming intern and we’re very happy to have him as a permanent member by now. Find out more about him and his work in this blogpost, you’ll be rewarded with a cute picture of his bunny 🐰!

Meet the Expedition Team: Jens

As the founder of Off The Beaten Track, Jens combines a lot of positions: From game design and programming to bookkeeping and filing taxes! Find out more about him and why he thought it would be a good idea to found a video game development company.

Meet the Expedition Team: Ines

Ines is one of our original team members and takes care of our Marketing and Social Media department. She has always been a video game enthusiast but took a bit longer than the others to find her place in the video game industry – she’s here now though and she came to stay!

Meet the Expedition Team: Jannik

Jannik joined our team as an intern but quickly became irreplacable to us and we’re very happy to have them as a permanent member in programming now. They are also a gamejam-enthusiast and have worked on countless games despite their young age. Their own project Shutter Stroll is even available on Steam!

Three years of Adventure Jam. Part three: The Ransom

Three years of Adventure Jam. Part three: The Ransom

Adventure Jam 2018 presented me with a new set of challenges I had not anticipated. At first reluctant to join due to time constraints, I decided to team up with old friends and create a small game, optimizing our production by planning ahead as much as possible.

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Three years of Adventure Jam. Part two: One Of Us

Three years of Adventure Jam. Part two: One Of Us

I returned to Adventure Jam in 2017 with a new set of challenges. In 2016 we had joined as a team and always knew what to do and who would do it. We were all working together locally. In 2017 I did not have that luxury. At the time, contact with my old team for AWAKE had broken up and I was a solo developer.

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Three years of Adventure Jam. Part one: Awake

Three years of Adventure Jam. Part one: Awake

Game jams are a magical thing. You get together with friends both old and new and create a video game in a very short timespan. In a way, jams are microcosms. While the jam is going your priorities are shifted, your whole life seems to circle around this tiny little game you are creating – and when the jam is over, what remains is usually a barely playable prototype, deep rings under your eyes and a huge pile of new experiences, lessons learned and treasured moments.

Adventure Jam is a special game jam in many ways. It runs for two weeks, enabling developers to create games that feel a lot more complete and finished than jam games usually are. It’s also a very open jam because there is no theme – creators are free to work on anything they like, as long as it relates to the genre of adventure games in any way. And adventure games can be pretty much anything. But the most special thing about Adventure Jam is its community. While it is technically a competition, the jam feels more like a celebration of good old adventure games and everybody is united by their deep appreciation of the genre.

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